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Malaika Oringo, the Founder and CEO of Footprint to Freedom, receives the Diaspora Woman of Excellence Award at The Voice Achievers Award 2023.

The Voice Achievers Award is established in the Netherlands as a project of The Voice magazine that recognizes every year Africans and friends of Africa fortheir outstanding achievements. Since 2012, the award took a global outlook recognizing people outside of the Netherlands and it has become a global event attended by hundreds of people. Click here to watch Malaika’s ceremony as she dedicates the award to every girl whose story remains untold, to those trapped in forced marriages and to everyone still enduring modern slavery worldwide.



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Account Details

Stichting Footprint to Freedom
IBAN: NL23RABO0318848147
Bank name: Rabobank
Routing Number: RABONL2U

Netherlands Office: Robinsonstraat, Leeuwarden Netherlands.
Uganda Office: Seeta, Mukono District, Kampala, Uganda
ANBI Number: 8606.81.166.